May 26, 2020

The Work from Home experience shared by MITCO Employees

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many people, around the world, working from home and MITCO is no exception to this.


Whether there has been any benefit or challenge in this new way of working, we invite you to read the feedback shared by our colleagues.


Kevin and Jaysen from the Business Development department


We really like the flexibility in hours that work from home offers. Ultimately, we are more productive when working from home than commuting to an office and wasting time in traffic jam. However, working from home also means juggling the responsibilities of a full-time parent and professional commitment. Furthermore, the use of technology platforms rather than physical meetings is being experienced and so far, have proved to be very efficient.”


Rajiv, from the IT department


With all the technological advancement in communication such as WhatsApp and MS Teams,

in Remote Access such as Any Desk and Forti VPN , Cloud with Microsoft Azure and a reliable internet connection it was a pleasure working from home.  All colleagues are a click away.

Support given via Video Call using WhatsApp was great and Screen Sharing / Training via MS Teams was acceptable.


Peter from the Accounting department


Working from home during the period of lockdown was not easy. I had to compromise with my faithful dogs for a quiet workspace”.


Thierry from the Compliance department

“Being able to continue operation from home since the 20th of March 2020, has been a highly enriching experience and thanks to the infrastructure already in place, the compliance team was fully able to operate remotely.

Of course, it took a few days to get accustomed to the new working conditions and although some issues were experienced from time to time with the system, same were easily resolved thanks to the co-operation of all other departments involved and of the IT team in particular. I do believe that the ability to communicate with various people instantly, played a great deal in the successful completion of all the necessary tasks.

After 2 months of working from home, I do feel that communicating effectively with the colleagues feels easier in general, even if we are physically distant from each other.

In these unusual and challenging times, such synergy could only be achieved as a result of everyone uniting behind one common goal and that would be getting the job done, whatever be the required task. As it now appears, we may have just done that, so Cheers to everyone!”


Roufaida from the Trust Department


“The working lifestyle became the new norm with the backdrop of the sanitary lockdown.


The work from home concept has various benefits rather than working in a brick-and-mortar setting all day. Dress code and bad hair days are not a matter of concern anymore. Bye bye to the huge dense traffic jam which used to drain our energy level in the morning and on the way back home every day. More flexibility in terms of organizing our day and task list to ensure more productivity at own convenience. The “commute-to-work” is just a few steps away from the coffee pot in the kitchen to my ‘office’ in the library area. However, it is extremely important to maintain a discipline so that there is a proper balance to ensure that work is wonderfully comfortable at all times.’’