April 28, 2022

MITCO wishes you a blessed Passover, also known as Resurrection Sunday for some and Easter for others.

Christians in Mauritius celebrated the Passover on the 17th April 2022. 


Mauritius is made up of a large community of Christians which is made up of mostly Catholics. One of the major celebrations for Christians, is Easter, the day of Christ was resurrected. Normally Christians around the world fasts for 40 days until Easter Day. The Christian community in Mauritius also fasts for 40 days before Easter.


On the evening of Easter, there is a special celebration in the churches, where those who wish to be baptised, can be. After this celebration, Mauritians will then share a meal with special dishes, among others are a roast lamb with vegetables and potatoes or some choose to serve a traditional Mauritian Meal, followed by the sharing of chocolates – Easter eggs. Easter eggs are normally hidden in the garden and the children in the family are invited to go on Easter eggs hunt to find their treats.


Easter is a time to share with the family and friends over drinks and a special meal to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.


At MITCO, we celebrated by having fellowship with our colleagues. We organized an innovative Easter Hunt Game. The Welfare Committee planned an online quiz with 5 rounds where staffs participated in groups of 10, and the team which scored the most points got qualified to search for Easters Eggs throughout the office.